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Prosecutor General of Kazakhstan has to take case of magazine "ADAM bol" under his personal control
On December 12, 2014 Executive Director of Public Foundation "Charter on Human Rights" Zhemis Turmagambetova has sent an appeal to the Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Daulbaev, concerning situation around magazine "ADAM bol".
15 december 2014
News on website of foundation "Adil Soz" are probably blocked by provider
On December 05, 2014 two news which were posted on the website www.adilsoz.kz of foundation "Adil Soz", they were out of access for Internet-users. There were the following news "First trial on suit concerning closure of magazine "ADAM bol" failed to proceed further because of litigation" and "Policemen demanded that Guljan Ergalieva to provide explanatory note in written form for them concerning case over propaganda of war through magazine "ADAM bol".
8 december 2014
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