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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Two criminal cases were opened against journalists of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya”
The pre-investigative check was conducted under article 274 “Dissemination of misleading information” of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan with regard to journalist Maria Kovaleva. The newspaper publisher “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural's Week”) Tamara Eslyamova, its journalist Talgat Umarov were charged with slander under article 130 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3 march 2015
New trial on magazine “ADAM bol”
The consideration of case over closure of magazine “ADAM bol” on appeal will be held on February 26, 2015 at 12.00 a.m. in City Court of Almaty.
25 february 2015
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