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First trial on suit concerning closure of magazine "ADAM bol" failed to proceed further because of litigation
On December 05, 2014 the first trial, concerning the suit of Department of Internal Policy (Almaty) on closure of magazine "ADAM bol" and its Internet-version was held in full court room of Medeu District Court of Almaty. The trial was was presided by A. Abisheva. The owner of magazine "ADAM bol" – LLP "ADAMDAR" ("PEOPLE")and editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva have been defendants; a well-known lawyer Sergey Utkin has been representative of defendant.
5 december 2014
Court has awarded judgment Chairman of Public Foundation "National Anti-Corruption Committee" Musagali Duambekov should recover KZT400000 as compensation of moral damage
On December 04, 2014 Judge of Almaty District Court (Astana) A. Bishikeev has awarded judgment. It was connected with suit which was filed by businessmen Mukashevs (in particularly, Bakhyt and Salamat) against Chairman of Public Foundation "National Anti-Corruption Committee" Musagali Duambekov. According to this judgment Musagali Duambekov should recover KZT200000 (1USD=181.40) to everyone of plaintiffs as compensation of moral damage.
5 december 2014
Policemen demanded that Guljan Ergalieva to provide explanatory note in written form for them concerning case over propaganda of war through magazine "ADAM bol"
The first trial, concerning the suit of Department of Internal Policy of Almaty on closure of magazine "ADAM bol" for propaganda and agitation of war was terminated on December 05, 2014. Policemen of Bostandyk District Department of Internal Affairs attended editorial office of magazine "ADAM bol" and editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva. They executed an order of the Prosecutor's Office, demanded, that Guljan Ergalieva to provide explanatory note in written form for them, and were interested in her intention, or magazine "ADAM bol" in order to propagandize the war.
5 december 2014
Trial on magazine "ADAM bol" will be held on December 05, 2014
The trial concerning suit of Department of Internal Policy of Akimat (District Administration) Almaty against magazine "ADAM bol" will be presided by judge A. Abisheva and held in Medeu District Court of Almaty on December 05, 2014 at 10.00 a.m. We would like to remind you, that plaintiff charged magazine"ADAM bol" with propaganda and agitation of war. It was connected with publication of interview "Our Kazakh people on foreign war" on August 29, 2014. On November 20, 2014 judge A. Abisheva has issued a rule which prohibited publication of magazine "ADAM bol" prior to judgment.
3 december 2014
Establisher of newspaper "Tribuna-Sayasat Alany" was charged with non-execution of court decision He will face hefty fine or arrest
On December 03, 2014 an establisher of newspaper "Tribuna-Sayasat Alany" was called to the Law-Enforcement Officer of Medeu District Erzhigitova. He was charged with non-execution of court decisions, decisions of bodies (officials) authorized to consider cases on administrative offences under article 524 of Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Kazakhstan; would be faced a hefty fine or could be arrested for up to ten days.
3 december 2014
There was preparatory procedure to court hearings concerning suit of Department of Internal Policy of Almaty against magazine "ADAMbol"
There was preparatory procedure to court hearings, concerning the suit of Department of Internal Policy of Almaty on closure of magazine "ADAMbol" and its Internet-version, in Medeu District Court of Almaty presided by judge A. Abisheva on November 28, 2014. The owner of magazine "ADAMbol" – LLP "ADAMDAR" ("People") and editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva defended a suit.
28 november 2014
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