Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Editor-in-chief of magazine “ADAM bol” Guljan Ergalieva has brought indefinite hunger-strike to end

6 february 2015

The staff of support of editor-in-chief of magazine “ADAM bol” Guljan Ergalieva  has issued a release of breakdown of indefinite hunger-strike.     

We would like to remind you that, editor-in-chief Guljan Ergalieva  has gone on indefinite hunger-strike on January 19, 2015. It was connected with closure of magazine “ADAM bol” and consistent prosecutions with regard to independent media outlets in Kazakhstan.

The indefinite hunger-strike lasted during eighteen days. The journalist, chairman of the public foundation “Journalists in Troubles” Ramazan Esergepov concurred with Guljan Ergalieva's indefinite hunger-strike in solidarity. On the sixth day of hunger-strike  his health    was deteriorated, he was sent into a hospital. 

After ten days of hunger-strike health of G. Ergalieva become noticeably worse. The general public proposed to bring indefinite hunger-strike to an end.  But, Guljan Ergalieva aimed at demanding of conduction of fairness court of the second instance, especially up to February 05, 2015.

However, under unforeseen circumstances trial was postponed on February 26, 2015.Servicemen of the staff of support of editor-in-chief of magazine “ADAM bol” Guljan Ergalieva thought, that further continuation of hunger-strike represent urgent threat for health and life of G. Ergalieva. She officially brought indefinite hunger-strike to endafter earnest request of the general public and servicemen of the staff at 13.00 p.m. on February 05, 2015.  
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