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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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The court dismissed the claim of the ex-Head of Public Health Department of South Kazakhstan Region to the newspaper "Caravan" without prejudice
The court dismissed the claim of the ex-Head of Public Health Department of South Kazakhstan Region to the newspaper "Caravan" without prejudice
4 may 2017
Happy World Press Freedom Day!
The World Press Freedom Day is celebrated annually 03 May on the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly.
3 may 2017
Arrest was prolonged till 10 June for Zhanbolat Mamay
Arrest was prolonged till 10 June for Zhanbolat Mamay
28 april 2017
Security officers were fired. Is the subject closed?
On April 25 editorial staff of multimedia news and analysis portal informburo.kz informed about unpleasant incident which occurred at the concert of Dimash Kudaybergen in the Central Concert Hall of Astana.
27 april 2017
The plaintiff that demands 30 mln tenge from “Caravan” newspaper is arrested
Ex-Head of Public Health Department of South Kazakhstan Region is suspected of creation of organized criminal group
20 april 2017
Russian federal agency Roskomnadzor threatens to restrict access to a Kazakhstani website
Roskomnadzor demands to delete the publication about a resident of Aktobe oblast due to the breach of Russian legislation
13 april 2017
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