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Social networks were unavailable in Kazakhstan on 16 December
Kazakhstan users could not access Facebook, Google, Instagram, Youtube and other social networks. According to the Ministry of information and communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan it was caised by emergency failure at telecommunications networks.
17 december 2016
The court found internet user Ruslan Ginatullin guilty of inciting hatred and sentenced him to 6 years in prison
The сourt considered sharing others' posts in social networks to be incitement of religious and national hatred and sentenced internet user Ruslan Ginatullina to 6 years of imprisonment in maximum security penal colony.
15 december 2016
Board of Appeals of Astana city court has upheld the basic punishment for Matayevs
The Appeal Board dismissed the complaint of Matayevs and their advocates
9 december 2016
Appeal hearings on the case of Seitkazy Matayev and Aset Matayev has begun in Astana
The convicts were not brought to court. As Matayev's lawyer Madina Bakieva said, according to the Criminal Procedure Code convicts should be delivered to court for appeal hearings in case of prosecutor's demand to increase punishment or in case of examination of evidence. As Mrs.Bakieva supposed, the court did not consider the presence of Matayevs necessary.
5 december 2016
Health Department of West Kazakhstan region demands 10 million tenge from "Uralskaya Nedelya" ("Uralsk Week") newspaper
Regional Health Department demands 10 million tenge from the newspaper for publication of the story about a kidnapped newborn baby
5 december 2016
Appeal hearings on the case of Seitkazy and Aset Matayev will begin on December 5
Appeal hearings on the case of Seitkazy and Aset Matayev will begin on December 5 at 10 AM in the City Court of Astana
2 december 2016
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