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Members of Board of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan voted confidence Seitkazy Matayev
There was a wide session of members of Board of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan on October 25, 2016 in Almaty. Its participants adopted unanimously resolution with regard to the Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan S. Matayev
25 october 2016
Court charged KZT 3.5 millions on newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural’s Week”) and its editor-in-chief Tamara Eslyamova in favor of police major
On October 19, 2016 Judge of City Court № 2 of Uralsk Marina Sakhipova partially granted claim of Police Major Daniyar Rakishev.
19 october 2016
Case of Matayevs Chronicle of Lawless Action
The Committee for Support of Seitkazy Matayev began its chronicle of major violation of law. These violations were committed in case of the Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, President of National Press Club Seitkazy Matayev and General Director of an International News Agency KazTAG Aset Matayev
13 september 2016
Flash mob “We are solidary with Seitkazy!” was conducted in Almaty
On September 07, 2016 on the eve of International Day of Journalists’ Solidarity journalists of Almaty conducted flash mob to support Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seitkazy Matayev and General Director of News Agency “KazTAG” Aset Matayev.
7 september 2016
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