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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Hearings on Zhanbolat Mamay’s case will be continued on 18 August
Zhanbolat Mamay’s supoorters and observers won the conflict over their presence in the courtroom.
14 august 2017
Lukpan Ahmedyarov is accused of insulting a representative of authority
Lukpan Ahmedyarov, editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper Uralskaya Nedelya, was accused of insulting a representative of the authority
10 august 2017
Olesya Khalabuzar was sentenced to two years of restriction of liberty for incetement of discord
On 1 August the head of NGO "Young Professionals Society" Olesya Khalabuza tried the csae on chare on icetement of ethnic discord (art. 174, part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
1 august 2017
Gulzada Ismurziyeva was vindicated from the charge of libel
July 26 Atyrau city court number 2 vindicated a civil society activist Gulzada Ismurzieva from the charge of libel (art. 130 of the Criminal Code), as private prosecutor, the chief specialist of Department of Public Health of Atyrau regional Health Committee Suleimen Aubekerov withdrew his complaint.
27 july 2017
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