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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Issue of Uralsk newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” was stopped
The court № 2 of Uralsk has satisfied suit of Svetlana Larina to the newspaper “Zemlya I Ludi” and owner of the edition SP “Zolotaya Orda” about stoppage of this edition. The charges stemmed from article “Inherited house of Larins or where has been...
4 february 2010
Printing House was prohibited publication of information discredited Timur Kulibayev
As editorial staff of the newspaper “Vremya” informed that there was an order of court executive officer of Medeu District Department of Administrator of Courts of Almaty M. Aytzhanov, addressed to printing house “Vremya-Print” (some editions were...
4 february 2010
Chief Editor of newspaper “Kursiv” Daniyar Bukanov was dismissed
Editor-in-chief of republican business weekly “Kursiv” Daniyar Bukanov was relieved him of his post. Editorial staff did not comment this situation, but they confirmed this information. Aybar Orsanov was appointed as deputy chief editor. There was...
4 february 2010
Court suppressed all media outlets to disseminate appeal of Mukhtar Ablyazov
On February 02, 2010 editorial staffs of newspapers “Respublika”, “Golos Respubliki”, “Vzglyad”, “Kursiv”; owners of these editions LLP “Letopis”, “IAC “Ayna” and “Kursiv News” received ruling and act of execution of Medeu District Court of Almaty on...
2 february 2010
Suit on sum of 2 000 000 tenge was brought against newspaper “Uralskaya nedelya” to court
LLP “Sport Club Akzhayik” brought a suit against newspaper “Uralskaya nedelya” and journalist Katherine Litvyakova to the court № 2 of Uralsk on January 28, 2010. There was a suit about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation and recovery of...
1 february 2010
Journalists of newspapers “Svoboda slova” and “Diaposone” were detained by policemen during coverage of rally
On January 30, 2010 policemen detained proper correspondent of the newspaper “Svoboda slova” Igor Kim (his pseudonym Igor Larra) and photo correspondent of the newspaper “Diaposone” (Aktobe) Maxim Tokar, who made a review about non-sanctioned rally of...
1 february 2010
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