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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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It was possible to print newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” but it was impossible to sell it
Editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” made a statement. Editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” received new ruling of Medeu District Department of Administration of Courts of Almaty on February...
18 february 2010
Editorial staff of newspaper “Respublika” hoped that professional solidarity will help to liquidate of blockade of printing houses
The circulation of newspaper “Respublika” was done on office equipment. Readers received it in cut off and pinned form. Printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan could not print this newspaper. It was connected with prosecution. Printing House...
17 february 2010
Temirtau Television Companies “TKT” and “43 kanal” were subjected to illegal control
Two uniformed men came to Office of Television Companies “TKT” and “43 kanal” on February 12, 2010. They introduced with themselves as servicemen of migration police; asked Deputy for Director of Television Channel Anastasia Golovkina some questions,...
15 february 2010
Complaints were made against Director of newspapers “Aktobe” and “Aktubinskiy vestnik” Meyirkhan Akdauletuly to General Prosecutor’s Office
18 members of Organizational Committee of the Party “Alga!” made complaints to Regional Akim (Governor) and Public Prosecutor against Director of newspapers “Aktobe” and “Aktubinskiy vestnik” Meyirkhan Akdauletuly. The complaints stemmed from public...
11 february 2010
Journalistic NGO’s of Kazakhstan reach decriminalization of libel
Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan works on improvement of Criminal Code. There was liberalization in draft law, but it has not been in Parliament. General Prosecutor’s Office has been as draftsman, which developed decriminalization of...
10 february 2010
Judge D. Makhmetova reversed her ruling against independent media outlets
There was a legal proceeding in Medeu District Court of Almaty on February 09, 2010. It was connected with the statement of newspaper “Golos Respubliki” about reversal of ruling subjected to non-dissemination of materials, discredited honor and dignity...
9 february 2010
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