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Editorial staff of newspaper “Respublika” has brought a suit against Administration of President Government General Prosecutor’s Office and Printing Houses of Almaty to court

17 march 2010
On March 17, 2010 editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika” addressed to Specialized Inter District Economic Court of Almaty. There was a suit, addressed to Administration of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Government and Agency for Protection of Competition of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In its suit editorial staff asked admittance of illegal inactivity of state officials, concerning situation, happened with the newspaper “Golos Respubliki – Kaleydoskop Sobytiya Nedeli”. This newspaper could not be printed during six months in printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result of it owner of the edition had not any favourable conditions for printing of the newspaper.

Lawyer of the newspaper Sergey Utkin and Chief Editor Tatiana Trubacheva said about it at the press conference.

There was a pinned copy of the newspaper “Respublika”. It was published during six months. Printing houses refused to print this edition.

Editorial staff has been ready for publication of the newspaper of any and profitable format. It could be issued in any day of week, twenty-four hours and printed with its paper and ink.

Editorial staff has made an experiment. It changed its title, applied for other printing houses, and had agreement for publication of the edition. But, employees of printing houses said that they could not take any orders under no circumstances at the mention of word “Respublika”.

Lawyer of the newspaper Sergey Utkin said that the actions of printing houses were not based on law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He has also mentioned about actions of state bodies, which looked for this situation.
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