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Journalists of Information Video Portal “Stan.kz” and newspaper “Golos Respubliki” demanded to make policemen answerable of Aktau

18 march 2010
Journalists of Information Video Portal “Stan.kz” and newspaper “Golos Respubliki” made an appeal. It was addressed to Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Mami and Minister of Internal Affairs S. Baymagambetov. They asked to make policemen of Department of Internal Affairs of Aktau answerable for their interference into legal professional activity of journalists.

On March 17, 2010 servicemen of traffic police stopped a car with journalists on the way to Zhanaozen. Journalists went to there for making of review, concerning strike of oilmen. It had happened on SCP “Rubez № 20 Aktau”. Policemen examined documents of the driver. They demanded to show documents of film crew of information video portal “Stan.kz” by illegal way. There were correspondents Tatiana Kovaleva, Azamat Esbergenov, camera man Tokmoldy Kusainov and journalist of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki” Zhanna Baytelova. But, servicemen of traffic police did not introduce themselves.

Then, examination of car was carried out without any witnesses and warrants. There were tripods and video cameras in the trunk. A driver and journalists were sent to Department of Internal Affairs of Aktau by policemen. It was done without any charges and drawing up of a record and by force.

After that, film crew could their way to Zhanaozen. They were outrun by car VAZ 2101. As a result of it there was extreme situation. A car with journalists was stopped. Some minutes later policemen rode by their three cars. There was Battalion Chief of Police Aygarakov, Deputy for Head of Department of Traffic Police of Aktau Nurzhan Makhmutov and Chief of Office of Internal Affairs of Aktau Colonel Amangeldy Dosakhanov. They tried to send a film crew to Department of Internal Affairs of Aktau.

Journalists came to Zhanaozen and could fulfill their professional duties a day ago.

They thought that actions of policemen were directed to pressure upon journalists. It was connected with distribution of information on strike of oilmen in Zhanaozen. Policemen said that there was a statement of three participants of strike. Three participants of strike asked policemen to protect them from actions of journalists.
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