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Correspondent of newspapers “Zan” and “Altyn Orda” Aydos Shokish was detained for his attendence at staff meeting

18 march 2010
Proper correspondent of newspapers “Zan” and “Altyn Orda” of Aktube region Aydos Shokish came to the village Zhanazhol. He came to there for publication of the article about conflict between workers and staff of Oil Company “CNPC- Aktobemunaygaz”. The staff of company decided to make reorganization of its transport department. Employees of company thought that as a result of it about 2000 workers will be dismissed.

 There was staff meeting subjected to it. Head of Specialized Transport Department Zhumabek Otegenov and Chairman of Trade Union Myrzali karazhanov interfered journalist to present at staff meeting. They permitted him to go there. But, Aydos Shokish should not ask questions.

When staff meeting was over, Aydos was detained by security officers and sent to control pin of rotational village. They asked him about goals of his visit and attendence at the staff meeting.
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