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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Statistic of violations of media outlets and journalists of Kazakhstan in 2009
Murder of journalists – 2   Gennady Pavluk (Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic) and Sayat Shulembayev (Almaty). Arrest of journalists - 2   Yermurat Bapi (Taszhargan, Almaty) and Lukpan Akhmedyarov (Uralskaya nedelya, Uralsk). Conviction of...
27 january 2010
President of Foundation “Journalists in Trouble” Rozlana Taukina was fined on fifty monthly assessment indices for participation in flash-mob
Raushan Yesergepova was charged with violation of law “On Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Rallies, Pickets and Demonstrations” under article 373 of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Rozlana Taukina was charged...
27 january 2010
Raushan Yesergepova was sentenced in her absence
The ruling was passed to Raushan Yesergepova in Specialized Inter District Administrative Court. Raushan Yesergepova was charged with violation of law “On Organization and Conduction of Peaceful Rallies, Pickets and Demonstrations” under article 373...
22 january 2010
Court bound newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” of Pavlodar to recover 300000 tenge as moral damage
There was a final legal proceeding between newspaper “Gorodskaya nedelya” and LLP “Specmashiny” on January 19, 2010. On October 10, 2009 LLP “Specmashiny” addressed to Pavlodar City Court with suit about protection of business reputation and recovery...
20 january 2010
Group of activists of party “Alga” and journalists were detained by policemen
Annual Award “Freedom” was awarded to journalist Ramazan Yesergepov, human rights activist Eugene Zhovtis and former head of atomic energy Mukhtar Zhakishev on January 19, 2010 in Astana. Wives of jailed candidates for an award could receive this...
19 january 2010
Does General Prosecutor’s Office inform or intimidate media outlets?
General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan placed its statement, addressed to all media outlets, public associations and other interested persons; placed on its website on December 30, 2009. It resembled journalists that propaganda of...
18 january 2010
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