Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Prison furlough has been provided for editor-in-chief of newspaper "Alma-Ata Info" Ramazan Esergepov
September 20, 2011 The Chief Editor of the newspaper "Alma-Ata Info" Ramazan Esergepov continues to serve his sentence in "colony of standard regime 158/2" of Taraz. Administration of colony has dismissed short term exit from the territory of a colony...
20 september 2011
Unknown persons threated to journalists of video portal Stan.kz
September 20, 2011 On September 20, 2011 journalists of Kazakh edition of video portal Stan.kz Sherniyaz Shagatay and Azamat Esbergen have conducted a press conference in Almaty. Unknown persons, who introduced themselves as officers of security...
20 september 2011
Linguistic expert report with regard to case of Natalia Sokolova
September 20, 2011 Linguistic expert report of statements of the Lawyer of Public Association "Profsoyuz Rabotnikov Karazhanbas" N. Sokolova was placed on the website of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz". She was...
20 september 2011
Minister of Communication and Information replied on issue of representatives of media non-governmental organizations relating to consumption of radiofrequency resource
September 19, 2011 On August 31, 2011 International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" and National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters of the Republic of Kazakhstan have addressed to blog of Minister of...
19 september 2011
Officers of special service threatened to editorial staff of video portal Stan.kz
September 19, 2011 The unknown persons, who introduced themselves as officers of security agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan threatened to journalists for the Kazakh edition of the video portal Stan.kz Sherniyaz Shagatay and Azamat Esbergen.They...
19 september 2011
Exploitation of transmit-receive equipment of video portal “STAN” according to court decision
September 15, 2011 On September 15, 2011 Almaty Inter District Economic Court of Almaty has made a snap court decision by suit of Sanitary Epidemiological Station of Bostandyk District to LLP “Namystan”. It suspends the exploitation of transmit-receive...
15 september 2011
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