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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Chancellor of State University of Taraz intended to recover KZT50000000 from newspaper "Obschestvennaya Pozitsiya"
December 06, 2011 The Chancellor of State University of M. H. Dulati (Taraz) Ashimzhan Akhmetov has filed a suit against republican weekly "Obschestvennaya Pozitsiya" about protection of business reputation to Specialized Inter District Economic Court...
6 december 2011
LiveJournal has been accessible again for Kazakhstan Internet-users
December 05, 2011 Kazakhstan Internet-users had access to popular blog service LiveJournal after blocking over a long period of time on December 04, 2011. But, bloggers noted about instability of access to Internet-resource. In August, 2011 the...
5 december 2011
November 23 – is the International Day to End Impunity
November 23, 2011 The International Day to End Impunity – is a new initiative of International Freedom of Expression Exchange, which consolidated 89 journalistic organizations around the world. There was a press conference, devoted to...
23 november 2011
Journalist Marina Rybalko charges her colleague Oksana Matasova with libel and insulting
November 17, 2011 The President of Public Association “Center of Development of Modern Journalism”, Chief Editor of the newspaper “Kurs” Marina Rybalko has filed a suit against acting editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Akmolinskie Novosti” Oksana...
17 november 2011
On November 23 – The International Day To End Impunity
November 15, 2011 On November 23 around the world journalists will demand justice for those who have been killed for exercising their right to freedom of expression.The International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) is a global network of...
15 november 2011
Persons who attacked film crew of video portal "Stan" have been put on state wanted list
November 09, 2011 Police officers of Department of Internal Affairs (Mangistau oblast) have identified suspected persons,who attacked film crew of video portal "Stan" in Aktau. There were 35-years-old Ruslan Gasanov (an inhabitant of Aktau) and his...
9 november 2011
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