Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Access to 125 websites has been blocked for Kazakhstan’s Internet users

3 october 2011
October 03, 2011

The access to 125 religious and extremist websites has been blocked on territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in a judicial procedure. Materials, relating to blocking of one more 168 religious and extremist websites have been in the process of preparation for blocking.

The Deputy of Governor of Secretariat of Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Tanibergen Bapanuly has provided this information for editorial staff of the newspaper “Kazakhstanskaya Pravda”. He has also noted that the threat of Internet usage of ideas of radical concept has been the actual one. The state controlled and restricted a distribution of materials with signs of extremism, propaganda of terrorism and public calls on commitment of terrorist acts.

Earlier, on August 20, 2011 the decision of Saryarka District Court (Astana) on suspension of Internet-resources such as, www.video.gamesfather.com; www.go.mail.ru; www.islamunveiled.livejournal.com; www.newsland.ru; www.djamalat.com; www.forum.voinenet.ru; www.ummanews.com; www.ik-media.inf; www.videolica.com; www.as-ansar.com; www.smotri.com; www.liveinternet.ru; www.extraklipovi.com; www.biggdi.com., has come to effect. It was connected with placement of materials with signs of propaganda of terrorism and religious terrorism, public calls on commitment of terrorist acts and making of explosive devices. Popular blog-platform LiveJournal.com. has been blocked totally.
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