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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Journalist in trouble
September 15, 2011 The granddaughter of one of our best journalists and staff reporter for Kazakhstanskaya pravda in southern Kazakhstan Ljubov Dobrota, is seriously ill. While doctors in Shymkent were insisting Arina needed to be kept in an...
15 september 2011
Adil Keldybayev has promised to file another suit against editorial staff of newspaper "Vzglyad"
September 14, 2011 Infamous surgeon Adil Keldybayev has said about his intension to file another suit about protection of honor and business reputation against editorial staff of the newspaper"Vzglyad" to court. He could not find a job within...
14 september 2011
There were hearings of case in court by suit of Sanitary Epidimiolgical Station to video portal Stan.kz and LLP "Namystan"
September 13, 2011 On September 12, 2011 first hearings of a case by suit of Sanitary Epidimiolgical Station of Bostandyk and Almaly District (Almaty) to video portal Stan.kz and LLP "Namystan" in Specialized Inter District Economic Court of...
13 september 2011
Administration of colony has dismissed short term exit from territory of colony for condemned editor-in-chief of newspaper "Alma-Ata Info" Ramazan Esergepov
September 12, 2011 The Chief Editor of the newspaper"Alma-Ata Info" Ramazan Esergepov continues to serve his sentence in "colony of standard regime 158/2" of Taraz. Administration of colony has dismissed short term exit from the territory of a colony...
12 september 2011
Next issue of newspaper "Respublika" has been printed in printing house of Moscow
September 12, 2011 The newspaper "Golos Respubliki" has been printed in the printing house. Earlier, printing houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan have refused to print the newspaper "Respublika" (it has been printed on a risographs from September 18,...
12 september 2011
Servicemen of Sanitary Epidimiological Station asked to suspend activity of video portal "Stan.KZ" and dissamble its equipment
September 08, 2011 On September 08, 2011 editorial staff of video portal "Stan.KZ" has received a subpoena by suit of Sanitary Epidimiological Station of Bostandyk District (Almaty). Servicemen of Sanitary Epidimiological Station asked to suspend...
8 september 2011
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