Pavlodar city court refused to satisfy the claim of the TV channel "Kazakhstan-Pavlodar" director to two of his former subordinates
On March 2, the city court of Pavlodar refused to satisfy the claim of the TV channel "Kazakhstan-Pavlodar" director Vladimir Aytkazin to journalist Artem Klevan and driver Armand Salmenov.
In January 2017, the director of the Pavlodar regional branch of the RTRK "Kazakhstan", Vladimir Aytkazin, sued the city of Pavlodar to defend his honor, dignity, business reputation and collect moral damage against his two former subordinates - journalist Artem Klevan and driver Arman Salmenov. Aytkazin demanded to declare information untrustworthy and to recover from each of them 1 million tenge.
The suit stated that the former employee of the television company "Kazakhstan-Pavlodar" Artem Klevan in the social network Facebook commented on the statement of the television channel "Kazakhstan-Pavlodar" editor Aigerim Muzdybayeva, who accused her head V. Aitkazin of sexual harassment and blackmail, as well as her statement that one of the employees was forced to give his salary to Aytkazin in order not to be fired. The representative of V. Aitkazin presented in court screenshots without address lines, printed on the printer and not notarized as proof of the distribution of misinformation.
On February 24, the city court of Pavlodar delivered a judgement in favor of V. Aitkazin on the suit against Aigerim Muzdybayeva, admitting the information about harassment, disseminated by A. Muzdybayeva in the social network, invalid and discrediting. The court ruled to collect 100 thousand tenge from Muzdybayeva as compensation for moral harm to V. Aitkazin.