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Website of News Agency “Novosti-Kazakhstan” had its clone
  News Agency “Novosti-Kazakhstan” was registered in Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 12, 2008. Founder of websites of the agency www.newskaz.kz and www.newskaz.ru have said that they had no any relation...
18 february 2009
Akimat of West Kazakhstan region has refused to make accreditation for journalist of the newspaper “Respublika”
On February 02, 2009 editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika” has sent official letter to Akim of West Kazakhstan region Baktykozha Izmukhambetov. They have asked for him to make accreditation for proper correspondent of the newspaper Alla Zlobina...
18 february 2009
Portal of the newspaper “Respublika” faced to mass DDos-attack
On February 17, 2009 editorial staff of the newspaper “Respublika” has informed that portal www.respublika-kz.info had been non-accessible for Kazakhstan’s and foreign Internet-users from evening February 13, 2009. Chief Editor of the portal Anastasiya...
17 february 2009
Website “ZoneKZ” was blocked during one day
The website of popular Internet-newspaper www.zonakz.net (it is popular in Kazakhstan) was blocked for Kazakhstan’s and foreign Internet’s users. It was non-accessible from 19.00 p.m. (on February 13, 2009) to 14.00 p.m. (on February 14, 2009). Chief...
16 february 2009
Journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov does not agree to information on his repentance
At the end of January 2009 mass media of the Republic of Kazakhstan have made a report on journalist of TV Channel “TDK-42” (Uralsk) Lukpan Akhmedyarov. He has asked for akim of West Kazakhstan region Baktykozha Izmukhambetov about participation of his...
16 february 2009
Newspaper “Alma-ata Info” was stopped for one month
There was reading of judgments by two suits in Specialized Inter District Economic Court of Almaty on February 10, 2009. There were suit of Public Prosecutor of Medeu district about stoppage of the newspaper “Alma-ata Info” for three months and counter...
10 february 2009
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