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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
Home News


There was a prohibition for selling of newspaper “Respublika” in Uralsk
One of the wholesale distributors of press in Uralsk has addressed to the editorial office of the newspaper “Respublika-delovoye obozrenie”. A man has come to him, introduced himself as an employee of financial police and prohibited to sell...
25 february 2009
Monitoring of violations of freedom of speech was made in January 2009
Monitoring of Foundation “Adil soz” has registered 80 reports in January 2009.  19 of which define the actual state of mass media in light of the political atmosphere of the month; 41 of which provide information on direct violation of rights of mass...
25 february 2009
Correspondent of Kokshetau newspaper “Kurs” Marina Rybalko is charged of libel
On February 12, 2009 correspondent of the newspaper “Kurs” Marina Rybalko has accepted service to Schusinsk City Court. There was opening a criminal case against Marina Rybalko under article 129 p.2 “Slander which is contained in a public speech, or in a...
23 february 2009
Employees of the newspaper “Respublika” give advices how to keep out of blocking of their websites
Administration of the portal www.respublika-kz.info has distributed official letter. It was connected with blocking of Internet-resource (it had mass DDos-attack) on February 13, 2009. Dear readers! The portal www.respublika-kz.info is joint...
20 february 2009
There was attack on film crew of TV Radio Company “Astana”
There was attack on film crew of TV Radio Company “Astana”. It was connected with making of the review about conduction of unsanctioned demonstration in the park Sary-Arka. There were journalists Reshat Kozhebek, Zimfira Gaphitulina and operator...
20 february 2009
There was one more attack on website “ZonaKZ”
The website of popular Internet-newspaper in Kazakhstan www.zonakz.net has been non-accessible for Kazakhstan’s and foreign Internet-users. It had happened at about 21.00 p.m. on February 18, 2009. As Chief Editor of Internet-newspaper Yuri Mizinov has...
19 february 2009
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