Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Former official of state department Nizami Gadzhiev has withdrawn his claim to newspaper "Temirtauskiy Rabochiy"
March 02, 2011 Former Deputy for Head of SD "Office of Housing and Communal Services, Passenger Transport and Car Roads" of Temirtau Nizami Gadzhiev has withdrawn his claim to freelance reporter of the newspaper "Temirtauskiy Rabochiy" Elena Kulakova,...
2 march 2011
Servicemen of foundation "Adil Soz" requested Public Prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan protection of rights of editorial staff of newspaper "Moya Respublika"
February 22, 2011 Servicemen of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" were informed about the situation, related to re-registration of the newspaper "Moya Respublika-Facty, Sobytiya,Ludi". They have sent an official...
22 february 2011
Karaganda businessman demanded KZT10000000 (USD680272) for anonymous commentary in Internet from journalist Alena Pankova
  One of the visitors has made an unpleasant commentary on quality of utility meter (it was bought on firm "Gashydroil") on the website www.spr.kz. There was a surname "Pankova" in the commentary. General Director of "Gashydroil" Danyar Tazhin has...
18 february 2011
Karaganda businessman demanded KZT10000000 (USD680272) for anonymous commentary in Internet from journalist Alena Pankova
February 18, 2011 One of the visitors has made an unpleasant commentary on quality of utility meter (it was bought on firm "Gashydroil") on the website www.spr.kz. There was a surname "Pankova" in the commentary. General Director of "Gashydroil"...
18 february 2011
Raushan Esergepova has filed petition with Public Prosecutor of Republic of Kazakhstan
February 16, 2011 Raushan Esergepova has filed a petition with Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He should take measures, related to violations, which were committed by administration of colony with respect to her husband,...
16 february 2011
Editor of district newspaper “Shardara Tynysy” Zhumabek Mukanov was dismissed illegally
February 09, 2011 On February 07, 2011 Shardary District Court of South Kazakhstan oblast presided by judge A. Tlegenov has made a ruling by suit about illegal dismissal of former editor-in-chief of district newspaper “Shardara Tynysy” Zhumabek...
9 february 2011
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