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Court has bound founder of newspaper “Kurs” (Kokshetau) and its editor Marina Rybalko to recover KZT50000 (1USD=145.49) Olga Polischuk
June 07, 2011There was a trial by suit of Olga Polischuk to the owner of newspaper “Kurs” (Kokshetau), LLP “Rek-Vizit” and editor of the edition Marina Rybalko about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation; recovery of KZT50000...
7 june 2011
Suit of Akim (Governor) of Shardary District of South Kazakhstan Oblast Margulan Marayim to journalist Zhumabek Mukanov has been dismissed
June 02, 2011 On June 01, 2011 Shardary District Court, presided by judge Ondasynova of South Kazakhstan oblast has dismissed a suit of Akim (Governor) of Shardary District of South Kazakhstan Oblast Margulan Marayim to journalist Zhumabek Mukanov...
2 june 2011
Appeal instance affirmed court decision by suit of Meezgul Abdikazhimova to newspaper "Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" and journalist Natalia Valuyskaya
May 31, 2011 On May 31, 2011 appeal instance of Almaty City Court affirmed judgment of Bostandyk District Court (Almaty) by suit of Meezgul Abdikazhimova about protection of honor, dignity and recovery of KZT10000000 (1USD=145.43) to the newspaper...
31 may 2011
Editor of newspaper “Molodezhnaya Gazeta” Berik Zhagiparov has told about pressure upon him and editorial staff
May 31, 2011 Editor-in-chief of newspaper “Molodezhnaya Gazeta” (Zhezkazgan) Berik Zhagiparov has told about telephone calls from unknown persons. They assaulted him and asked to close the newspaper. He thought that it was connected with the...
31 may 2011
Journalist Sanat Urnaliev was dismissed from political disloyalty
May 31, 2011 On May 24, 2011 the editor of television channel "Aksay TV" Sanat Urnaliev was called to the direction of television channel. Director of LLP "Telestudiya Aksay TV" Aygul Nurmukanova and Executive Director Marat Zhomartov have said to...
31 may 2011
Court has wasted newspaper "Vzglyad"
May 26, 2011 Board of Appeals of City Court (Almaty) has affirmed a court decision of Bostandyk City Court (Almaty) by suit about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation of Former Doctor of Fourth City Hospital Adil Keldybayev to the...
26 may 2011
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