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Someone has threated correspondent of newspaper "Golos of Respubliki" Alla Zlobina after publication of information on flood

13 may 2011
May 13, 2011

Someone has threated correspondent of newspaper "Golos of Respubliki" Alla Zlobina. It was connected with publication of critical materials about flood in Uralsk. An unknown man has called to her at 06.00. a.m. switched on the record of private telephone conversation of her 17-years-old daugther. It had happened the day before the celebration of May Day. Someone has called to Gennadiy Fadeyev and asked him retract his words, otherwise he and Alla Zlobina would be assaulted.

Journalist filed a complaint with general prosecutor's office of Uralsk. She was interested in number of telephone and person, who recorded a voice of her daughter. But, it has been out of competence of general prosecutor's office of Uralsk; department of internal affairs should be focused on issues of privacy and telephone number. It would be possible only from sanction of public prosecutor. This sanction should be provided only, after opening of criminal case.

Editorial staff of the newspaper "Golos of Respubliki" insisted on opening of criminal case with respect of them, who exerted the pressure on journalist, according to article 155 " Interference in the Legal Professional Activity of a Journalist" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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