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Court has suspended trial related to payment of fines for tax bodies by editorial staff of newspaper "Golos Respubliki"

29 april 2011
April 29, 2011

On April 27, 2011 Inter District Specialized Administrative Court of Almaty has satisfied an application of the newspaper "Golos Respubliki" on suspension of case, related to payment for tax bodies.

Legal proceeding would be revived after the conclusion of tax committee of ministry of finances on legality, or illegality of the fine charge.

Earlier, at the end of October, 2010 representative officers of district tax inspections of Almaty handed in acts of complex tax inspections to owners and editors of opposition newspapers "Vzglyad", "Azat", "Alga", "Golos Respubliki" and "Moya Respublika" for total sum KZT100000000 (1 USD=145.8).

As editor and owner of the newspaper "Golos Respubliki" said that representative officers calculated the income of the editorial staff for the whole period of activity leaving out of account of expenses for salary, printing of newspaper, rent of office and e.g. Editorial staff has appealed tax act and order of tax commitee.
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