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The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Former editor-in-chief of newspaper "Zakon i Pravosudie" Tokbergen Abiyev was released after three years of imprisonment

17 may 2011
May 17, 2011
In May, 2008 he was arrested and in July, 2008 was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. Tokbergen Abiyev was charged with bribe. Tokbergen Abiyev has tried to give USD3000 (1USD= KZT145.75) to executive official of department for economic and corruption related crimes of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to press-release of financial police. It was done for providing of discredited materials of servicemen of court bodies. There was no any information on state official, his surname, position and punishment. Probably, the proposal to sell discreditable materials has been a trap for editor, whose newspaper critisized the court system.

On March 11, 2009 Sary-Arka District Court of Astana has passed the second sentence to Tokbergen Abiev. Tokbergen Abiev was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. There was a judgment of 2008, when T. Abiev has been already arrested. He as editor-in-chief and owner of the newspaper"Zakon i Pravosudie" (LLP "ATS.KZ") should recover KZT5000000 (1USD=145.79) by suit of E. Manayev about protection of honor and dignity.

In his telephone conversation with correspondent of foundation "Adil Soz" Tokbergen Abiev has said about his intention of opening of new newspaper and continue the struggle for corruption.
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