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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Action "Say happy birthday to Ramazan Esergepov"

25 april 2011
April 25, 2011

On April 30, 2011 Chief Editor of the newspaper "Alma-Ata Info" Ramazan Esergepov will have a birthday. He will be 55-years old. Foundation "Journalists in Trouble" conducted an action "Congratulations from around the world". President of foundation Rozlana Taukina has thought that the solidarity with journalist- it is a support of courage and bravery of strugglers, who has struggle for the truth and justice. They proposed to everyone, who shared ideas of freedom of speech to participate in action and send congratulatory telegram.

Address of Ramazan Esergepov: 104A Nietkaliev street., 080000 Zhambyl oblast, Taraz., 158/2 Railway Administration. Servicemen of foundation "Adil Soz" joined to this action.
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