The editor of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" Lukpan Akhmedyarov was not let to leave the country
On August 16, the famous Urals journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov was unable to leave for Kyrgyzstan to participate in a workshop.
- We flew to Almaty, then went to Kyrgyzstan by bus. Suddenly, at the border post "Kordai" I was sent back because it turned out to be that I am restricted to travel abroad. My comrades went on, and I returned to Almaty, and then to Uralsk", Lukpan Akhmedyarov said.
As it turned out to be, the cause of the travel restriction was court decision against Tamara Yeslyamova, the publisher of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya". Last year, the court ruled to collect moral damage to the policeman from Yeslyamova as a journalist. Yeslyamova’s solidarity defendant was the editorial office of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya". That was the reason why Akhmedyarov was not allowed to leave the country.
- It seems to be quite weird, - Lukpan Akhmadyarov says. – The codefendant is the editorial board of the newspaper, and not myself. I was told that I was restricted to travel abroad because I was the editor of this newspaper. Presently we are tying to clear the things out. We wrote letters to the regional prosecutor's office, to the Ministry of Justice, and Tamara is negotiating with the Supreme Court. But the situation is still not clear