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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Social networks users are acquitted n the case of inciting hatred
On October 25, an acquittal was made for Gulzhazir Bayshegasheva, Birlik Yzbaev, Makpal Sadykova, Bulbul Nurali under Article 174 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan by the Uighur District Court of Almaty Region under the chairmanship of Judge R. Suleymenov
27 october 2017
Delegates of media assembly in Astana addressed to chairman of Supreme Court asking to set the Matayev free
The delegates of assembly "Kazakhstani Media Alliance" have applied to Kairat Mami, chairman of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan, asking to set Seitkazy and Aset Matayev free
26 october 2017
Owner of “Bekzhan” market accuses journalist Bakhrom Abdullaev of defamation
On 25 October court hearings on the charge of defamation of Bakhrom Abdullaev, “Otyrar” TV channel reporter, began at Abay district court of Shymkent
25 october 2017
The regional court satisfied policeman’s claim to newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" again
The regional court satisfied policeman’s claim to newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" again
19 october 2017
Participants of journalists' forum in China were told about Seitkazy Matayev
Vice chairfigure of All China journalists association expressed the wish to see S. Matayev, chairman of the Union of journalists of Kazakhstan next year.
17 october 2017
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