The trial on Zhanbolat Mamay’s case: The second day
Only one witness was questioned at the second hearing on the case of Zhanbolat Mamay’s case - the ex-spouse of Zharimbetova Galimzhan Akhanov .
He stated that at the request of his then wife he handed over envelopes on which telephone numbers were written. Four times he handed them over to people who were completely unfamiliar to him, once - to Mamay, whom he also did not know, but he recognized him at the media reports.
According to G. Akhanov, the envelopes contained money (about USD 20 thousand dollars). Each time when he handed over the envelopes, he bought a new mobile phone and a SIM card, and he then discarded those for security reasons.
At the court hearings, the lawyers stated several motions:
- to interrogate Bapi and Kosanov as witnesses (since they can explain the mechanism of publishing a newspaper, what expances it requires and how the money for publication are to be spent). The prosecutor objected to the defense's motion, saying that those two persons could only be interrogated after the accused defendant is questioned;
- to invite the Committee of the National Secutiry specialists Jetpisbaev and Kazhinova, who proveded their evidence on the seized equipment, and other technical experts. The prosecutor objected, saying that the lawyers had an opportunity to get acquainted with the results of the examinaion of the equipment during the investigation. Defense objected, saying that the investigation files were provided to them too late, and there was a number of questions concerning the findins of the equipment study. The lawyers applied for an independent expert examination, they provided a list of 9 people.
Judge Dauren Maukeyev left these questions open.
Also, the court asked Mamay whether he was ready to testify today, Mamay replied that he did not.
The next hearing will be held on August 22, 2017 at 3 PM.