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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Correspondent of newspapers “Gorodskaya Nedelya” and “Golos Respubliki” Alexander Baranov was beaten in Pavlodar

17 june 2011

June 17, 2011

Correspondent of newspaper “Gorodskaya Nedelya” (Pavlodar) Alexander Baranov was beaten in the entrance of his house by unknown person at 12.00 a.m. on June 17, 2011. An unknown person gave a slap of Baranov several times; took his mobile phone from top pocket of shirt. The pocket and sleeve was torn. Offender did not take his photo camera in wardrobe trunk.

A. Baranov has filed a complaint with police and rang for an ambulance. He thought that his ribs have been fractured.

A. Baranov has been correspondent of the newspaper “Golos Respubliki”. He thought that it was connected with his professional activity, publication of critical materials about representatives of local authority and business. A. Baranov has said that this attack has not been first one. In 2005 he was beaten near his house and sent to hospital. Criminals were not found by policemen.
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