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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
Home News


Lawsuit against Alexander Kharlamov: reports of independent experts were attached to case
August 08, 2013 There was a continuation of lawsuit against journalist and human rights defender Alexander Kharlamov which was chaired by judge K. K. Elemesov in Ridder City Court of East Kazakhstan Oblast on August 07, 2013. He was charged with...
8 august 2013
«Pravdivaya Gazeta» was suspended for three months
August 07, 2013 On August 07, 2013 Judge of Specialized Interdistrict Administrative Court of Almaty Rauza Musakhodzhayeva has suspended issue of the newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" for three months. The lawsuit was initiated by Department of Internal...
7 august 2013
Akimat (District Administration) of Almaty is on look-out for publisher's imprints of newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta"
August 06, 2013 On August 06, 2013 editor-in-chief of newspaper "Pravdivaya Gazeta" Aliya Ismagulova was challenged to conversation in Department of Internal Policy of Akimat (District Administration) of Almaty. It was connected with appeal which was...
6 august 2013
Editorial staff of blocked www.guljan.org and «ADAM reader's» flied to general public for support
August 06, 2013 Editorial staff of the website www.guljan.org and weekly bulletin"ADAM reader's" has made an appeal to Kazakhstan's and foreign media outlets; embassies of democratic countries in the Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations...
6 august 2013
Journalists of forbidden newspaper "Respublika" were exposed to threats
July 10, 2013 The former employees of universal media "Respublika" (in particular, it was closed more than six months ago) Oxana Makushina and Sergei Zalepukhin made a statement on facts of regular threats from unknown persons, who introduced...
10 july 2013
Sentence was passed upon charged with attempted murder of journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov
July 10, 2013 Attempted murder sentence was passed upon four charged with attempted murder of journalist of the newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" Lukpan Akhmedyarov in Specialized Inter District Criminal Court of West Kazakhstan Oblast on July 10,...
10 july 2013
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