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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Court has dismissed suit of Askar Aktleuov in reinstatement in his job in newspaper “Aykyn”
There was final legal proceeding by suit of proper correspondent of the newspaper “Aykyn” of Aktobe region Askar Aktleuov to LLP “Gazeta Aykyn” and its Chief Editor Nurtore Zhusip in Almaly District Court № 2 of Almaty on October 27, 2009. Askar Aktleuov...
27 october 2009
Representative Officer of Ministry of Culture and Information has lost documents of newspaper “Respublika”
The newspaper “Respublika- delovoye obozrenie Duble-2” has no any possibility for publication. Editorial staff has decided to make re-registration of existed newspaper “Moya respublika- facty, sobytiya, ludi”. They have changed periodicity of appearance...
27 october 2009
Editorial staff of newspaper “Respublika” has disseminated press release
Situation with newspaper “Respublika” will be solved tomorrow   Appeal petition by suit of “BTA Bank” to the newspaper “Respublika- delovoye obozrenie” will be handled in City Court of Almaty at 10.00 a.m. on October 27, 2009. The court of first...
26 october 2009
Monitoring of violations of freedom of speech in Kazakhstan in September 2009
Monitoring of Foundation “Adil soz” has registered 95 reports in September 2009.  13 of which define the actual state of mass media in light of the political atmosphere of the month; 50 of which provide information on direct violation of rights of mass...
26 october 2009
Appeal Court has left the sentence to Chief Editor of newspaper “Alma-ata Info” Ramazan Yesergepov standing
Zhambyl Regional Court has handled appeal petition by case of Chief Editor of independent weekly “Alma-ata Info” Ramazan Yesergepov in Taraz on October 22, 2009. There was no Ramazan Yeserrgepov at legal proceeding. Mass media and journalists have...
23 october 2009
New DDos-attack on information resources of newspaper “Respublika”
There were strong DDos-attacks on information and analytical portal and website of Kazakhstan’s newspaper “Respublika” (http://www.respublika-kaz.biz, http://www.respublika-d2.com, http:www.respublika-kz.com, http://www.respublika-kz.info and...
16 october 2009
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