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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Freedom of press in Kazakhstan takes 125th place of 173 ones
Organization “Reporters Without Borders” has published rating of freedom of press in the world from September 2007 to September 2008. Iceland, Norway and Luxemburg are in first three lines of rating; North Korea and Eritrea take two last...
23 september 2009
Technical restriction of implementation and issue to newspaper “Respublika” is used
Technical restriction of implementation and issue to newspaper “Respublika” is used. Printing houses refuse to print this disgraced mass media. Heads of printing houses refer to orders of the state power in non-formal conversations. Deputy for Chief...
23 september 2009
Financial Police has made search in printing house “Kometa S”
On September 18, 2009 Representative Officers of Financial Police and Deputy for Chief of Special Office of Almaty Department of Struggle for Economic and Corruption Crimes Margulan Sarbasov have made search in printing house “Kometa S”. Director of...
21 september 2009
Representative of Anti-Monopoly Agency Azamat Kashimbayev has charged of correspondent of newspaper “Oko” Tatiana Tokar of slander
Chief of Inter Regional Inspection of Agency for Protection of Competition (Anti-Monopoly Agency) of Aktobe and West Kazakhstan region Azamat Kashimbayev has addressed to court №2 of Aktobe with suit. He has charged of proper correspondent of the...
21 september 2009
Edition of newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie” was seized
Edition of newspaper “Respublika – delovoye obozrenie Double 2” was seized in the printing house of Almaty and Caraganda. It had happened on September 18, 2009. On September 11, 2009 Judge Marat Maksudov has ruled about distress of banking accounts...
18 september 2009
Journalist Andrei Sviridov was fined after organization of action in protection of Eugene Zhovtis
Police detained journalist Andrei Sviridov on September 16, 2009. He has organized protest in support of human rights activist Eugene Zhovtis, convicted for four years of imprisonment and charged of violation of rules of the road and rules for using...
17 september 2009
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