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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Akim of Kokshetau has brought suit against newspaper “Kurs” on 10 000 000 tenge ($66700)

2 november 2009
Kokshetau City Court has examined suitt of Akim of Kokshetau Bakhyt Saparov to LLP “Rek-Visit”, Kokshetau weekly newspaper “Kurs”, its Chief Editor Marina Rybalko about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation and recovery of moral damage.

The charges stemmed from letter “State officials answer!” by V. Vetryanskiy, published in the newspaper on September 03, 2009. There was information on disadvantages of municipal services.

Plaintiff has thought that this article criticized authority of state power and his own business reputation.

Akim has asked for the staff of newspaper to provide information on journalist, who wrote this article for him and making of refutation of untruth information in article. There was critical information on actions of city administration.

Plaintiff has demanded making of public apology before him and recovery of 10 000 000 tenge ($66700) as moral damage.
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