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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

There was signing of law It determines five years of imprisonment for publication of information on private life

9 december 2009
Press Service of President informed that President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the law “On Amendments into Some Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Protection of Rights of Citizens of Privacy Acts” on December 08, 2009.

This law enacts criminal responsibility for falsification of operative and search materials. There are restrictions for employees of operative and search activity, concerning divulgation of information, connected with privacy acts.   There was a conception of non-sanctioned access to communication network and ban to its implementation.

This draft law faced to serious criticism of journalistic organizations and opposition parties after its moving to Parliament. It was connected with punishment as five years of imprisonment with confiscation of the property for publication of illegally obtained information. There is a lack of legal conceptions such as “privacy”, “public person” and “public officer” in Kazakhstan’s legislation. New law can restrict freedom of speech and will become as obstacle for struggle with corruption.
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