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Asel Taubayeva was charged with libel. She was acquitted

1 march 2010
Judge of Court № 2 of Kazybek bi district of Karaganda S. Shapel passed acquittal for Asel Taubayeva on February 25. 2010. She was charged with libel under article 129 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The charges stemmed from review by Asel Taubayeva. It was connected with problems of official registration of children to child care centre. This review was shown by Karaganda Television Channel “TV ART” on May 26, 2009. Asel Taubayeva used her life experience and referred to opinions of other parents. She has criticized activity of governor of kindergarten A. Nam. As a result of it Asel Taubayeva was charged with libel.

Her lawyer Talgat Shukutov has addressed to Public Centre of Expertise under foundation “Adil soz”. Experts of Public Centre of Expertise made linguistic examination of review. There was no any information on facts of bribery from Asel Taubayeva and other persons.
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