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There was final legal proceeding over national of China who attacked editorial office of newspaper “Zhas Alash”

5 april 2010
There was final legal proceeding over national of China, Jan Syaolyan who attacked editorial office of newspaper “Zhas Alash” under chairmanship of judge A.A. Korazbayev in Specialized Inter District Court on April 05, 2010. He was brought in a verdict of guilty under article 330 “Disorderly conduct” of Code of Administrative Violations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Jan Syaolyan was detained for five days at 11.30 a.m. on April 05, 2010.

Chairman of Head of Almaty Community of Chinese businessmen and Cultural Centre Almaty-China Chzhan Tsyanchao has made an apology before editorial staff. He covered expenses of damaged property. Jan Shaolyan explained his actions as advanced state of drunkenness and non-adequate behavior.

Chief Editor of the newspaper “Zhas Alash” Ryspek Sarsenbayuly thought that it was done by design. Lately, editorial staff of the newspaper “Zhas Alash” published articles subjected to relationships between Kazakhstan and China; probable land lease of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other actual aspects.
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