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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Open Letter of editorial staff of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” and journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov
To: Chairman of Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. Alimbekov Chairman of Union of Judges of the Republic of Kazakhstan V. Borisov Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Mami Chairman of Agency of Struggle for Economic...
27 april 2010
Internet- users have made attempt to send open letter to JSC “Kazakhtelecom” They have been subjected to administrative liability
  Specialized Inter District Court of Almaty made a ruling for activists of campaign “For Free Internet!” Irene Mednikova and Zhanna Baytelova on April 23, 2010. They were charged with organization or conduction of meeting, protests, rallies, pickets,...
26 april 2010
Servicemen of JSC “Tengizneftstroy” demanded recovery of 20000000 tenge as moral damage from editorial staff of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya”
On April 21, 2010 court №2 of Uralsk (West Kazakhstan) has satisfied a suit of JSC “Tengizneftstroy” partially. It was a suit, brought against newspaper “Uralskaya Nedeya” and its correspondent Lukpan Akhmedyarov about protection of business reputation...
22 april 2010
Editorial office of newspaper “Makat Tynysy” was stolen by unknown persons
Editorial office of district newspaper “Makat Tynysy” was stolen by unknown persons in Makat district of Atyrau oblast on April 09, 2010. Criminals took photo camera, scanner and processor. Head of Makat District Department of Internal Affairs...
20 april 2010
Attention to journalists!
There will be session of ongoing forum “Judiciary and Mass Media”. It will be held on April 22, 2010 in Almaty. The key item on the agenda of session is “Freedom of speech, defamation and protection of reputation”. There will be a discussion of...
19 april 2010
Internet–users intended to protect their rights
Activists of the campaign “For Free Internet!” of Centre of Youth Initiatives “Zhastar” proposed conduction of action to protect constitutional rights of Internet-users. First, they tried to visit barred Internet-resources http://www.livejournal.com,...
16 april 2010
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