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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Journalists of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda” will be employed in state editions
September 03, 2012 Earlier, next issues of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda” were not published on August 30, 2012 in Atyrau. Editorial teams posted their appeals on websites of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda”. Journalists could not work there,...
3 september 2012
Journalists of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda” will be employed in state editions
September 03, 2012 Earlier, next issues of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda” were not published on August 30, 2012 in Atyrau. Editorial teams posted their appeals on websites of newspapers “Turan” and “Altyn Orda”. Journalists could not work there,...
3 september 2012
Editorial teams of newspapers "Turan" and "Altyn Orda" informed about their dismissal at full strength They have disagreed with policy of founders
August 31, 2012 On August 31, 2012 journalists of newspaper "Turan" (Atyrau) have handed in their voluntary resignation. It was posted on the website of newspaper "Turan" on August 30, 2012. Journalists could not work there, because founders have...
31 august 2012
One of suspected persons in attack on Ularbek Baitalak was detained
August 27, 2012 The investigative officer of Tselinograd District Department of Internal Affairs of Akmola Oblast, who conducted a case on attack on journalist Ularbek Baitalak, said to him about the detention of one of the suspected persons. He has...
27 august 2012
Ex-Majilisman A. Momyshev demanded recovery of KZT100000000 as moral damage compensation
August 21, 2012 Ex-Majilisman of parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Amangeldy Momyshev demanded recovery of KZT100000000 (1USD=148.99) as moral damage compensation and publication of a disclaimer from editorial staff of the newspaper "Vremya"...
21 august 2012
Chief Medical Officer of Children's Hospital of South Kazakhstan Oblast has filed suit on KZT five millions
August 21, 2012 There was a trial in Abay District Court of South Kazakhstan Oblast on August 20, 2012. Chief Medical Officer of Children's Hospital of South Kazakhstan Oblast Anuarbek Maymakov has filed a suit about protection of honor, dignity and...
21 august 2012
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