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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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JSC "Ak Biday-Terminal" charged news agency "Kazakh-Zerno" with libel and demanded KZT100000000
October 12, 2012 JSC "Ak Biday-Terminal" has filed a suit against editor of news agency "Kazakh-Zerno" Sergei Bukatov and owner of the agency Mansur Rasulov to Petropavlovsk City Court. They were charged with "Libel" under article 129 of Criminal Code...
12 october 2012
Journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov and newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" shall recover KZT 10000000 more
October 04, 2012 The Assistant Akim (Governor) of Terekti District of West Kazakhstan Oblast Abzal Braliev has filed a suit against journalist L. Akhmedyarov and newspaper "Uralskaya Nedelya" about protection of honour, dignity and business reputation...
4 october 2012
Court has imposed journalist Lukpan Akhmedyarov and newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” on recovery of KZT5000000 Tlekkabyl Imashev as moral damage compensation
October 02, 2012 On October 02, 2012 the Board of Appeals of West Kazakhstan Oblast Court has affirmed a judgment of Ural City Court, passed by suit of the Head of Oblast Department of Internal Policy Tlekkabyl Imashev who filed against journalist...
2 october 2012
Aktobe journalist Konysbek Rysmaganbetov is in need of medical assistance
October 01, 2012 Journalist of the television “Kazakhstan-Aktobe” Konysbek Rysmaganbetov is in need of medical assistance. Doctors said he had sufferred a cancer of the adrenal gland and tumor of extraadrenal localization...
1 october 2012
Mass dismissal of workers of television channel "Almaty"
September 28, 2012 More 60 workers of television channel "Almaty" (in particular, journalists, directors, video engineers and cameramen) wrote a letter of resignation from October 01, 2012. The main reason of mass dismissal – is a interference of...
28 september 2012
Court has acquitted journalist of newspaper “Tarlan” Ayna Kasabayeva of libel and insult
September 05, 2012 On September 04, 2012 Karasay District Court of Almaty Oblast which was presided over by judge Azbasarov has acquitted jounalist Ayna Kasabayeva of libel and insult (in particular, articles 129 p.2 and 130 p.2 of Criminal Code of...
5 september 2012
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