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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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There was an attack on film crew of Internet-video portal “STAN TV”
Two security officers of International Academy of Business have interfered to the activity of film crew of “STAN TV”. Journalist Olga Nastukova and operator Almas Nurdos have come to there. They have made review on conference “Development of Internet...
8 april 2009
Mafia boss, who could be affiliated to disappearance of the journalist Oralgaysha Zhabagtaykyzy was detained
Recidivist, “thief in law” Serik Zhamanayev was detained in Almaty region. The police officers have searched him during two years. Chairman of Committee of Criminal Police of Ministry of Internal Affairs Sultan Kusetov has said that they controlled his...
6 april 2009
Punishment for recognition
The consideration of administrative case in relation to Chief Editor of the newspaper “Focus-Facty, Otsenki, Commentarii”Galina Dyrdina under p.1 of article 350 “Violation of order of imprint insertion” of Code of Administrative Violations was finished...
3 april 2009
Popular Internet-newspaper “Zona.KZ” was exposed to hacker’s attack again
As International News Agency KazTAG informed that websites of popular Internet-newspaper (it is popular in Kazakhstan) “Zona.KZ” and Russian Press Agency “Fergana.Ru” were exposed to DDos-attack again. Chief Editor of the Internet-newspaper “Zona.KZ”...
3 april 2009
Journalists of Taraz ask for Chairman of Supreme Court put a place in order in courts of Zhambyl region
Proper correspondents of republican editions and chief editors of regional newspapers have carried out press conference in Taraz. They have adopted appeal to Chairman of Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kayrat Mami. There was a text of...
30 march 2009
Employees of Caraganda weekly “Vecherniya gazeta” were dismissed
Employees of Caraganda weekly “Vecherniya gazeta” were announced that the newspaper stopped its activity in connection with financial crisis on March 25, 2009. Journalists have said that they did not receive any warning from their staff. It has been...
26 march 2009
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