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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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Caraganda TV Company “ART” was fined by sixty monthly assessment indices for two SMS-messages on screen
There was legal proceeding of Specialized Inter District Administrative Court of Caraganda by suit of Caraganda Regional Prosecutor’s Office to TV Company “ART” on June 04, 2009. Editorial staff of TV Company “ART” was charged of dissemination of...
8 june 2009
Supervisory Collegiums left decision standing about payment 30 000 000 tenge by staff of newspaper “Taszhargan”
On June 03, 2009 Supervisory Collegiums of Almaty City Court under chairmanship of A. Klassen left decision standing about payment 30 000 000 tenge by staff of the newspaper “Taszhargan” in favor of Deputy of Majilis of Parliament of the Republic of...
3 june 2009
General Prosecutor’s Office of Almaty has no any doubt in legal actions of plunder of newspaper “Taszhargan” and journalist Almas Kusherbayev
At the beginning of March International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil soz” and Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan have made an appeal, addressed to President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, Public Prosecutor of...
29 may 2009
“Chief Reader” of opposition newspaper “Taszhargan” Yermurat Bapi was sent to hospital
“Chief Reader” of opposition newspaper “Taszhargan” Yermurat Bapi was sent to Institute of Cardiology. He felt himself unwell, lost his consciousness and took medical advice on May 25, 2009. Yermurat thinks that it is not connected with prosecutions...
28 may 2009
Blog platform “Live Journal” blocked by judgment
Popular blog-platform Live Journal has been non-accessible from October 07, 2008. In December 2008 Prime Minister K. Masimov has promised to resolve situation, concerning blocking of this resource. He has said about it in his interview for radio station...
27 may 2009
General Prosecutor’s Office notified about responsibility for distribution of book of Rakhat Aliev “God father-in-law”
On May 21, 2009 Press Agency “Novosti-Kazakhstan” disseminated information on criminal responsibility for distribution and quotation of the book of former son-in-law of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and ex-ambassador in...
22 may 2009
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