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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection
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We remind journalists of their rights during coverage of rallies, pickets
In recent days, there was information on detention of journalists, who covered events, related to unsanctioned public arrangements. The foundation "Adil Soz" reminds journalists of their legal rights.
20 may 2016
Hot line for journalists was opened
International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech "Adil Soz" opens hot line for staff media reporters, freelancers, bloggers, active users of social networks.
20 may 2016
Kazakhstan: Free activists and allow peaceful protests to take place
(Almaty, May 20, 2016) – Authorities in Kazakhstan must immediately release all peaceful activists arrested ahead of planned protests on May 21, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Adil Soz, International Legal Initiative and Association for Human Rights in Central Asia said in a statement today.
20 may 2016
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