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Court charged KZT 3.5 millions on newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural’s Week”) and its editor-in-chief Tamara Eslyamova in favor of police major

19 october 2016

On October 19, 2016 Judge of City Court № 2 of Uralsk Marina Sakhipova partially granted claim of Police Major Daniyar Rakishev. Earlier, he has filed a suit against editor-in-chief of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural’s Week”) Tamara Eslyamova and newspaper founder, LLP “Zhurnalistkaya Initsiativa” (”Journalistic Initiative”). The court has imposed defendants on recovery of KZT3.5 millions as moral damage compensation (in particularly, founder – KZT2millions, editor-in-chief – KZT1.5 millions).

We would like to remind you that charges originated from article “Whom then shall police major Rackishev fear?” by Tamara Eeslyamova published in the newspaper «Uralskaya Nedelya (Ural’s Week)» (Uralsk) on May 25, 2016. In her article Tamara Eslyamova told that after court hearing, where she was fined for participation in non-sanctioned rally supposedly; D. Rackishev came up to her who drew up protocol he asked her to apologize him and not to damn him.

Police Major Daniar Rakishev thought that there was publication of false article which was aimed at creation of negative image of a police officer on the side of readers. He stated, there was publication of inaccurate information on his apology to Eslyamova and it discredited him. The plaintiff asked court to impose defendants on publication of a retraction and recovery of KZT10000000 as moral damage compensation; asked to transfer them to banking account of Specialized House of Child № 1.

Journalists of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural’s Week”) informed that during first trial, presided by judge Sergeev (later, he went on vacation and judge was changed) Rakishev said that he apologized, but only, for telephones.

On next trials, Rakishev stated that he did not speak about it. During last trial this audio record was called and heard by judge and parties to a trial. The judge Sakhipova and all trial participants heard phrase of Rakishev, where he confessed and apologized.

We would like to remind you that first this conflict was caused by events which took a place on May 21, 2016. Tamara Eslyamova was imposed to the administrative fine for participation in organization of illegal rally. During this trial editor-in-chief provided some documentary arguments where she did not participate and organize rally. But, judge R. Sarieva overruled arguments and based upon administrative protocols and statements of witnesses-policemen. Tamara Eslyamova informed on her page in social network Facebook that after completion of trial, Police Major, Officer of Department of Struggle with Extremism of Department of Internal Affairs (West Kazakhstan Oblast) D. Rakishev apologized to her.

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