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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Flash mob “We are solidary with Seitkazy!” was conducted in Almaty

7 september 2016

On September 07, 2016 on the eve of International Day of Journalists’ Solidarity journalists of Almaty conducted flash mob to support Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seitkazy Matayev and General Director of News Agency “KazTAG” Aset Matayev.

Course mates and colleagues of Seitkazy reminded that in 1937 his father was subjected to repression upon absurd charges. During third course, he thought that best share for journalist has been a work in Telegraph Agency of Soviet Union. During years of independence of Kazakhstan he did everything that this information network to take place in Kazakhstan.

The journalist and public figure Amirzhan Kosanov thought that accusations which were brought against S. Matayev, they were baseless. Amirzhan Kosanov stated that trial of Matayev it has been trial of freedom of speech, right of each citizen of Kazakhstan to receive accurate, unbiased information. They took information of investigative officers and prosecutors into account during trial. These accusations have been baseless. Matayev is as clean as a whistle. Amirzhan Kosanov thought and hoped that it would be fair and unbiased trial, because Kazakhstan and world community focused on it, Seitkazy and Aset Matayevs should be released tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Seitkazy and Aset Matayevs journalists and citizens of Kazakhstan have been with you! He expressed confidence, that they would see them on freedom very soon.

The flash mob was finished by chanting “Freedom For Matayev’s!” Its participants wished, that journalists and civil activists from other oblasts of Kazakhstan, who believed in his victory, they should conduct these or other actions of solidarity to support Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and President of National Press Club.

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