Interrogation timetable during trial on case of Matayev was not observed
The Committee for Support of Matayev informed:
It was planned to interrogate 60 witnesses during trial on case of Matayevs. According to interrogation timetable 3 days were provided for interrogation of witnesses on the episode of JSC “Kazakhtelecom”; 6 dayswere provided for interrogation of witnesses on the episode of “Committee of Communication and Information” and 2 days were provided for interrogation of witnesses on the episode of Evasion of the Payment of Taxes.
Interrogation timetable is not observed. It is not connected with health status of Seitkazy Matayev.
It was planned interrogation of 13 witnesseson the episode of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” from 29 to 31 August, 2016; interrogation of 7 witnesses was planned for August 31, 2016. In spite of objection of lawyers and accused persons because of absence of persons who were mentioned in interrogation timetable. The court has considered episode of “Committee of Communication and Information”. The interrogation of witnesses on this episode had to begun only 02 September, 2016. 6 witnesses on the episode of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” should be interrogated 01 September, 2016. There were no explanations why court did not interrogate them, in spite of witnesses, who should give their witnesses 31 August, 2016.
The witness E. Korbozova was interrogated on August 31, 2016, but his interrogation was planned for 05 September, 2016. T. Kazangap gave witnesses on Wednesday, but his interrogation was planned for 06 September, 2016.
On September 01, 2016 court intended to interrogate some employees of LLP IPA “KazTAG”, who according to interrogation timetable should give their witnesses on the episode of “Committee of Communication and Information” only 07 September, 2017.
The court shall return to the episode of JSC “Kazakhtelecom” obviously; it may trick logic and integrity of trial.
Probably, it is done to disorientate witnesses and effort to subdue line of protection, logic arguments.
It is planned to finish the trial on October 03, 2016.