Journalists from Uralsk did not survive CNS background check They could not cover visit of Prime Minister of Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov
The photo correspondent of newspaper “Uralskaya Nedelya” (“Ural’s Week”), reporter of radio “Azattyk” (“Freedom”) of West Kazakhstan Oblast Sanat Urnaliev and three journalists from Uralsk could not cover visit of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov. Journalists explained, that they have been out of list of accredited media and theysurvive an CNS background check supposedly.
The representative of press service of akim (governor) of West Kazakhstan oblast Zharkyn Zhumadilov has corroborated this information on the telephone. He said that Raul Uporov, journalists of oblast state newspaper “Priuralye”, Galina Samoilova, newspaper “Informbirzha” Denis Spiridonov and city television channel “TDK-42” Roman Kopnyaevdid not survive an CNS background check, except for correspondent of radio “Azattyk” (“Freedom”).
Journalists R. Uporov and G. Samoilova, they failed to obtain accreditation, went to the road section “Uralsk-Taskala”, where K. Masimov arrived, in order to perform professional duties possibly. R. Uporov and G. Samoilovafailed to make a video. Raul Uporov said on the telephone that policeman informed that escort of Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan would shoot at sight.