Сөз бостандығын қорғау халықаралық қоры
Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

We remind journalists of their rights during coverage of rallies, pickets

20 may 2016

In recent days, there was information on detention of journalists, who covered events, related to unsanctioned public arrangements. The foundation "Adil Soz" reminds journalists of their legal rights.

1. A journalist shall have the right to attend in disaster area, in rallies and demonstrations, as well as upon other forms of expression of public, group and personal interests and protest upon presentation of journalist certificate under article 20 of law "On Mass Media" of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. 1.Under article 158 "Obstruction of legal professional activity of a journalist" of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Obstruction of legal professional activity of a journalist by means of enforcement to the dissemination or refusal from dissemination of information as well as a method of creation of conditions which obstruct to fulfillment of legal professional activity of a journalist or they fully deny him/her this opportunity. He/she is punished by a fine ranging from one hundred monthly calculation indices, or with the involvement in the community service for a period up to one hundred and twenty hours, or with the arrest for a period up to forty five days. 2.The same offence, committed by a person with the appropriation of his corporate opportunities, and equally with violent use or the threat to use it with regard to journalist and his/her relatives or damage or destruction of their property is punished by a fine ranging from two thousands monthly calculation indices or by the corrective labors at the same volume or with the restriction of liberty for a period up to two years or with deprivation of liberty at the same time with the deprivation of the right to hold specific posts or to practice a specific activity for a period up to three years or without it.

We wish to draw your attention to: You must have certificate of media worker it should be officially registered (letter headed paper, seal), editorial task, in order to cover some or other arrangement.

Bloggers and active users of social networks, who have no employment relationships with some officially registered media, they expose themselves to the increased risk of detention as participants (organizers) of unsanctioned public assemblies. We recommend you: Please, try to

take editorial task or certificate of journalist from your friendly editorial staff. Do not forget your identification card! You can read detailed information on rights and duties during detention. Here.

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