The trial on Alexander Baranov was continued He was charged with slander
There was a next trial in court № 2 of Pavlodar on April 22, 2016. The journalist Alexander Baranov was charged with slander.
Ex Director of LLP "Neftechim Ltd" Erlan Kusanov has filed a suit against Alexander Baranov and charged him with slander under article 130 "Slander" p.2 of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He stated, that in one of his commentaries, A. Baranov spread slanderous information. It was connected with accident at the factory. Some persons were hurt in the accident. And one of the floors produced uncounted production. "Having a guess A. Baranov accused Erlan Kusanov in commission of criminally punishable acts, especially, in theft of property and funds of factory".
Erlan Kusanov has demanded to impose Alexander Baranov on recovery of KZT10000000 as moral damage compensation.
The journalist Alexander Baranov did not agree with charge with regard to him.The explosion which took a place in the floor of factory caused a massive public outcry and he also, participated in discussion of this accident. Alexander Baranov is a journalist and he works with a vast number of information and can not keep it in his mind. After a short time, A. Baranov removed his posts he could not remember his commentaries word for word in social network. The plaintiff has given scans of pages in evidence, where guilt of A. Baranov was acknowledged supposedly. In Baranov's opinion it was impossible (in particularly, there some special programs with the help of them scans could be changed).
Today, during trial evidences for the prosecution were heard; they stated and saw a phrase in commentaries of A. Baranov, on it a charge was brought against it. In response on it, journalist A. Baranov proposed five variants of the text of supposed commentary
Witnesses could not determine verbal sounding of phrase. It was necessary to find out presence of article. A IT-specialist was summoned to appear before court. He proposed to descend to repost of publication. There was no designation of phrase which underlied charge. A IT-specialist could not explain absence of this phrase; acknowledged presence of computer programs which allowed to fill out account any content.
The next trial shall be held on April 29, 2016. There A. Baranov will make some explanations and evidence for the defence will be heard.