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Международный фонд защиты свободы слова
The International Foundation for Freedom of Speech Protection

Press Conference of Case of Seitkazy Matayev

14 march 2016

There was a press conference “On new facts in the case of Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan Seitkazy Matayev” in National Press Club of Almaty on March 14, 2016. The Executive Director of Charter of Human Rights, Member of Commission of Human Rights under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhemis Turmagambetova, General Director of Media Holding “Ak Zhyik” Abdilda Mukashev, President of International Foundation for Protection of Freedom of Speech “Adil Soz” Tamara Kaleyeva; lawyers Andrey Petrov and Madina Bakieva, they have appeared as speakers.

The press release was disseminated among journalists:

The investigation, related to case of Seitkazy Matayev was conducted with the prosecutorial bias. Thistendencyiskept.

  • The investigative officers of National Bureau of Anti-Corruption continued to call editors-in-chiefs of media in for questioning, they hoped to receive facts oriented on discrediting of reputation of Seitkazy Matayev and demanded, that they should sign a non-disclosure agreement in violation of law.

  • It is obviously, that are no any facts there. Now, they attempt to call members of family of Seitkazy and Aset Matayevs in for questioning in violation of law.

  • Motives for detention and compulsory delivery for interrogation on February 22, 2016 which were publicly stated, they are unjustified, because a side of protection has all documents which proved, that Seitkazy and Aset Matayevs, they were not hidden from investigation.

  • In a day of detention, National Bureau of Anti-Corruption crudely violated Constitution of Kazakhstan, it has called Seitkazy Matayev criminal.

  • In public statements officers of National Bureau of Anti-Corruption attempted, in order to discredit Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan before civil society published investigative documents, these documents were at random expounded, norms of Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan were crudely violated.

  • In violation of norms of Criminal Procedural Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there was a close trial (in particularly, there was an appeal) towards bail hearing with regard to S. Matayev.

The publicity from Kazakhstan and foreign countries has spoken in defence of Chairman of Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and National Press Club. Over one and half thousand of journalists of Kazakhstan signed under appeal to President of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbaev and asked him to take this case under his control. Journalists from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia spoke in defence of S. Matayev.

The International Freedom of Expression Exchange has launched campaign for support of Seitkazy Matayev. Within the scope of it, over 50 journalistic NGOs from around the globe sent their appeals to the President and Prosecutor-General of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The European Parliament in its resolution, dated 10 March, 2016 called state authority of Kazakhstan to drop prosecution of journalists, usage of politically motivated charges and practice of receiving of pseudo confession of guilt under the threat of lengthy term imprisonment; discharge politically motivated previous and present lawsuits, sentences and sanctions with regard to Seitkazy Matayve, Guzyal Baidalinova and etc.

Recognized public figures of some European countries tied participation of business structures in exhibition EXPO-2017 (Astana) with outcome of the case with regard to Seitkazy Matayev.

Within the scope of arrangements, devoted to National Day of Tree Planting, Committee for Support of Seitkazy Matayev will organize tree planting under the slogan “Do not jail journalists – plant trees!”. This initiative was supported by oblast branches of National Press Club and journalistic associations of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

The justice will be served!

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